What Makes Parents Such Fans Of Private Schools?

For many parents, getting their children into private school is a major goal. The National Center for Education Statistics reports that the 2013-2014 educational year reported that there were 33,600 private schools in the United States, and those can’t always meet the demand from local parents. The question you may have is: why? What makes private schools so special for so many parents?

1. A Specialized Experience

There is something different about private school education, and it goes beyond just the general atmosphere. Many private schools have specialized curriculums. For example, a private school may focus on languages, or perhaps science classes. Children will still be able to get everything they need on a basic level, but they’ll also study things that they are perhaps more interested in focusing on.

2. Smaller Classes

Typically, private schools will have smaller classes than public schools. This benefits the child because a teacher can focus on their students on an individual level. Teachers can offer more individualized help and attention, and it’s often easier for children to make friends with students in smaller classes. In public school classes, students are often lost in the shuffle. This is much less likely to happen in a private school setting.

3. Better Social Structures

As previously mentioned, private schools offer more specialized educational experiences. This often means that students automatically have more in common with each other. Because their classes are smaller, these children are able to bond with each other more easily. Additionally, it is easier for private school administrators to monitor social issues, and ensure that students are having fun in a safe setting.

4. Higher Standards

Private schools often have higher standards on almost every level. They tend to have strict hiring standards for teachers, often have high academic standards for students before admission, and keep those standards high as the students learn. Your children are more likely to flourish in a private school setting.

Explore a private school education for your child. You never know what they can get out of it!

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