Even before your children are born, you wonder and worry about their education. One of the concerns many new parents share is knowing for sure whether or not their child is ready to go off to daycare or even preschool. They check out all of the options in their area and find that most of the private preschools offer rather flexible schedules and, at the same time, offer full day care.
Preschool education has garnered a great deal of attention over the last 20 years. Educators all over the world are discovering things about how the young brain learns and all that it can do when it begins exercising properly. Preschool is an essential beginning of your child’s learning life. If you have been wondering what private preschools can do for your child, here are three reasons why you should give them a look.
1.) Preschool attendees will go further up the education ladder.
Recent studies have shown that preschool attendees will be more likely to complete a higher degree and actually go to college in the first place than those who stayed home until kindergarten. Starting your child off early will enable them to start practicing skills they are ready for and put them in a position to learn and retain material when they get to kindergarten.
2.) Private preschools have the advantage of having much smaller class sizes than you would find at public preschools.
In private preschools, you will find that the classes are much smaller for your child and the others. This smaller class structure not only nurtures a solid sense of belonging to a community, it also fosters an environment where one on one teaching and learning is taking place. This gives your child more personalized, individual attention, and at that early age, one on one instruction is particularly beneficial.
3.) When starting their children at private preschools, parents are more likely to have a say in their children’s education.
The best preschool environment is one that fosters the participation of the parents and students. When parents invest their time and support to early childhood education programs, they are much more apt to stay involved in their child’s entire education process going forward. One of the advantages of private schools is that you have more access to allow your voice to be heard. You really become the advocate for your own children.
You might be a first-time parent right now or are about to be. You will always be concerned about your child’s education and that will start early. The best thing you can do is find a place that feels comfortable. Find a preschool where you know your child will thrive. Who knows your kid better than you?
Once they are ready to head off to college, you will feel so much more comfortable that you started them with a solid preschool foundation.