Political communication encompasses not just written and spoken language concerning politics or a political campaign, but also things such as design, branding, visual representation and personal aesthetics. Mario J Elgarresta is a political consultant from Latin America. Mario J Elgarresta is a member of centropolitico.org, the website of Interamerican P and G, an acredited educational institution dedicated to provide political training. Mario J Elgarresta is the vice president of the center and worked Ronal Reagan’s presidential campaign. The center offers a variety of different political related courses, including capacitación política, clases de politica, estrategia y negociación política, and curso de campaña electoral. The center also offers seminars, such as seminarios de campañas políticas. They also focus on the presence of social media within campaigns. Political candidates and influencers are increasingly turning to social media to interact with constituents and one another, making social media a valuable sphere for political communication. Interestingly, As of November 2012, 12 percent of online adults said they get political news from Facebook, compared to only 6 percent in January 2012. Furthermore, 20 percent of social media users say they have followed or interacted with elected officials and candidates on those social networks.