School for aspergers Syndrome and other learning disabilities are designed with people who require an alternative way of learning. They are created to facilitate personal and social independence for individuals with autism and other disabilities. The goal is for students with mild learning disabilities, autism and mild handicapping conditions to gain life skills with career independence. Specifically known as special education schools or school for Aspergers Syndrome, these centers are found throughout the each state and were established to fill a void found in regular schools. Just like any school, schools for children with learning disabilities or schools for special needs believe that an emphasis should be on core values that will enhance efforts to model and practice adult independent behavior. Schools for learning disabilities are a place for some students to get the attention and care they need and deserve. Special needs schools understand that the transition from adolescence to adulthood is not an easy one for students of any ability. School for Aspergers Syndrome, as well as schools for dyslexia and schools for adhd, recognize that making decisions and dealing with challenges in social, vocational and academic settings can be tough. Learning how to navigate these paths are essential to life. When young people are nurtured and fostered in the right settings, such as in schools for special needs in NJ, it can help students form interpersonal relationships, build on skills, and find ease during difficult periods of transition. Teachers and guides at most Aspergers schools are caring professionals who understand issues relating to learning disabilities. Preparing students for life inside and outside of school is the goal of these schools.