Everyone from Mahatma Gandhi to Aristotle has had something poignant to say about the role that education plays in serving our world. Nelson Mandela has written and said some powerful things about education and its role in preserving and enhancing the world’s various cultures. Writers Maya Angelou, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain and William Butler Yates have spilled their own thoughts out into the world on education. So where are these quotes on education found, and how specifically are they used today?
Largely, these quotes on education are accessible through websites that are entirely devoted to publishing this information. These sites are excellent because they continually post quotes on education as they are discovered or as they are added to the lexicon. In lots of cool cases, people can read these quotes on education and then link them directly to their social media pages as an interesting way to help inspire others. An education quote can serve in many capacities, and one such capacity is through inspiration. People perusing these websites with all kinds of quotes about education either can use them personally or can spread them out to others.
Other things these educational quotes are used for are to keep education students from considering other careers, to keep students invested in their own education and to inspire people debating whether to continue their careers through additional educational pursuits. These are just three of the thousands of reasons that each individual person could have for using quotes on education, but they stand to be among the most common. People who are in school to obtain degrees so that they can educate others often need reassurances, as do those studying other subjects, that what they are doing is making an impact or going to make an impact on others. Through these quotes on education, these students usually keep striving for more success in their schooling.
Teachers commonly post these quotes on education around their classrooms and in their offices as well to keep themselves fully invested in what they do and to remind their students of why they are there as well. This actually is quite a common practice among school classrooms today from elementary school ones to college ones. And for those considering becoming teachers, these quotes on education serve as continual reminders that they will make a difference and that whatever they are doing now can be broadened through their own experiences as educators.