There are many benefits to private schools that you should consider when considering your child’s education. Particularly during the middle school years, you want to make sure your child is getting the educational foundation needed to excel in high school and college. Additionally, you want the hands on care needed to help your child learn how to make good decisions.
Here are some of the reasons you may want to consider looking for private middle schools near me. First, is the personal attention. Nearly ninety percent of all private schools have less than 300 students. This means that all the students are receiving the individualized attention needed to make their education experience memorable. The lower the teacher to student ratio is, the more capable the teacher is of addressing the needs of each child in the classroom.
Another reason to choose a private middle school is because on average between sixty to eighty percent of private school teachers hold advanced degrees. They have invested more in their own education, which better prepares them to teach their students.
A third reason is that over sixty percent of students that go to a private school go on to attend a four-year university. There is a greater focus placed on college prep in private schools, and they tend to be more competitive overall.
You might be thinking, how do I find private middle schools near me? Depending on where you live, this may be challenging. A lot of private schools are religious based, so your first step may be checking with the local churches to see what options they know of within a reasonable distance.
Another way to learn about your options is to search online for your area. Unlike public schools, most private schools conducting marketing to attract new students to their school. This means they are more likely to have an online presence. You can search for private schools in your area and then visit their websites to form your initial opinion. From there, you can call to schedule a visit and talk to other parents to see what they think.
Now more than ever, private schools are a growing option. With most states cutting funding to their public schools, teacher to student rations are getting larger and programs are being cut. Many districts are struggling just to stay open let alone enhance the student experience.