Educational quotes are often used by people to bolster one or another side of a political debate. And there are a lot of people who are always reliable sources when it comes to getting quotes about education. This does not mean that all quotes on education are equally reliable. A lot of people who put educational quotes out there are looking to promote one agenda or another.
It is for this reason that people should always take educational quotes with a grain of salt when it represents the view of a strong political body. Education quotes will often sight statistics. But people should keep in mind what Mark Twain said, “Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable.”
While this might be false in some ways, it is true that educational quotes can proclaim success based on low standards and that educational quotes can proclaim failure based on high standards. It is for this reason that people should keep in their sights the goal of every educational undertaking before moving ahead on it.
Educational quotes are not the only means by which people can receive information on the education. There are a lot of ways that people can get the information that they need to make sure that they are sending their child to the right school, or to the right system even. Of course, the school that a child goes to is likely to determine how academically successful their children are.
While a lot of academic success depends on whether or not children have a supportive environment at home, there are a lot of circumstances under which students might end up going to an unsuccessful school based on their zipcode or other factors. For this reason, people should not lose sight of the fact that, behind the educational quotes, there is always a human dimension.