March 28, 2018 Are You Thinking of Choosing Massage Therapy as a Career? Massage therapy is coming to be recognized and used as a complementary treatment alongside medical care. Especially in the field of sports medicine, massage…
February 12, 2018 Learning a Second Language Spanish Language. For many it conjures up the images of people in different countries speaking strange languages that involve vowel and consonant usages that are…
January 8, 2018 Take the Stress Out Finding the Right Preschool with These 5 Tips More and more parents see the value in sending their kind to preschool programs in the United States. The number of kids who were…
December 23, 2017 How Online Training Courses Are Helping More Massage Therapists Continue Their Education Americans are stressed out. Boasting some of the lowest vacation rates and some of the longest work weeks, the country is seeing an increasing…
December 9, 2017 The Best Private Schools Sometimes Have Long Waiting Lists You have always been a planner, but your husband seems puzzled that even before you have celebrated the first Christmas with your baby boy…
October 24, 2017 The Importance of Annual Vision and Hearing Screenings for School-Age Children Many children are born with some level of sensory loss. For others, however, this may develop over time. When left untreated, these issues can…
September 30, 2017 Are You Considering Sending Your Children to Private School? It may come as no surprise that an increasing number of people in America are talking about benefits of private education. With a Secretary…
September 20, 2017 The Top Five Reasons You Should Introduce Your Child To Spanish Before Junior High Language is one of humanity’s greatest achievements…and yet, we take for granted this incredible skill every single day. We use language to communicate our…
September 19, 2017 Being a Working Parent Is Tough: 4 Tips To Help Whether you have 50 children or one single child, parenting is extremely difficult. You have to balance being a parent and having a career…
September 15, 2017 Choosing the Best Child Care for your Young Child Your child is at the age that it is time to begin making day care choices. Do you trust their care to a family…